Fazla Rabby

“Starting my degree in February turned out to be a smart move”
Fazla Rabby
Bsiness Administration student

Fazla Rabby started his degree in Business Administration in February 2021. While September is the start of the academic year, many study programmes offer a February start. It's perfect for if you want to take some time off after your previous education or if your school system has different timings. Of if you simply wanted more time before deciding what you were going to study. Fazla also found that starting in February had advantages he hadn't expected. 

“Choosing to start my degree in February wasn't just a random decision. It turned out to be a smart move, especially considering the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic that were still playing in 2021. But there are other perks, like finding accommodation is easier and you can get a smoother introduction to university life. I thought it was a fantastic experience and the university made sure we had a smooth transition with Study Start Week and small class sizes that created a close-knit community. And finding accommodation was a breeze!” 

Get hands-on experience 

“I've been fascinated by entrepreneurship since my school days back in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is a place full of potential entrepreneurs hungry for practical education and when I learned about the Dutch applied science education system and the practical approach, I was hooked. I chose Business Administration so as to get the real-world skills and insights into the business world that would nurture my entrepreneurial spirit. And the programme really does live up to my expectations. One thing I particularly like is the chance to work with start-ups. This hands-on experience really fuelled my passion for entrepreneurship, inspiring me to dive into sustainable energy products. My goal is now to launch my own start-up in sustainable energy products – and I think I have the confidence to do this thanks to what I have learned at NHL Stenden."

Embrace opportunities 

“The degree is like a training ground for your future career, so it's important to embrace the challenges. If you can do that, you'll find yourself growing in ways you never imagined. I've found the practical course structure, supportive faculty and amazing peers created an environment where I can flourish as an aspiring entrepreneur. It's really helped me unlock my potential and I'm confident this path will lead me to the career I want.” 

Find out more about the Business Administration degree on the programme page and the application process at NHL Stenden.